Friday, September 7, 2007

Intro To The Farm Life

Well I would have been the last one to be labeled a farmgirl by anyone who knew me well. I didn't even like to break a sweat much less get my hands dirty! When I married my husband I literally didn't know the difference between a bull and a cow. I thought the bull was the one with horns. We don't even want to talk about where I thought the meat in the grocery store came from. I was devastated to find out that bacon came from a pig.

Well fast forward seventeen plus years and we're in our on little piece of heaven out in the woods. We raise goats, are building our own house and other various things you do in the country. The building the house together is a whole different post. When I say building our own house I mean just me and my husband. No contractors, no friends chipping in.....nada, zilch, nobody but us! Oh yea...we have absolutely NO building experience. But we are very proud of what we've accomplished so far.

So needless to say this city raised girl is a certified farmgirl at this point. I don't even have to wear gloves any more to the goat pens. You don't realize how big of a deal that is to me. When we tell people that I have goats they just look at me and bust out laughing. Hey....I've come a long way!

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